Visits and Fees

Discovery Session | Free | 15-20 minutes

This is an opportunity for you to ask questions while discussing how naturopathy can be incorporated into your life.

Initial visit | $185 | 60-90 minutes

In your initial visit, we will talk about your medical history, health concerns and goals in depth. Relevant physical exams will be performed* and a personalised plan will be discussed.

Follow-up visits | $85 – $95 – $145 | 30 – 45 – 60 minutes

In follow-up visits, we update any progress and changes to your health and revise to improve your plan so it stays sustainable for you.

Initial cosmetic facial acupuncture* | $195 | 90 minutes

In your initial facial acupuncture visit, we will talk about your skin, areas of focus and treatment expectations in depth. Treatment is included and consists of a massage, acupuncture and facial. Acupuncture will target the face and other constitutional acupuncture points on the body.

Follow-up cosmetic facial acupuncture* | $155 | 60-75 minutes

In follow-up visits, we update any progress and changes you have seen so far, and continue with treatment. These appointments are for individuals with an acupuncture protocol discussed from the initial facial appointment.

Insurance coverage

Many private insurances provide coverage for naturopathy. Contact your provider to learn more.

*For Ontario residents only.


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